World Chinese Medicine

world chinese medicine Vol3 No2

World Chinese Medicine Vol3 No2

目 录

2022年全美中医药学会 ATCMA 及美国中医校 友联合TCMAAA 十件大 事The Top 10 News of American Traditional Chinese Medicine Association (ATCMA) And Traditional Chinese Medicine American Alumini Association (TCMAAA) …………………………………………………………… (7)
胃轻瘫的中医针灸治疗Acupuncture and TCM Treatment of Gastroparesis …………………………………………………………………田海河Haihe Tian(8)

中医进入美国顶级医院——最佳十所医院的中医项目调查Traditional Chinese Medicine enters the top hospitals in the United States ——Traditional Chinese Medicine Program Survey of Top Ten Hospitals ……………………………………………… 贺德广Deguang He(10)

中医治疗感染新冠后关节痛的临床观察Clinical Observation of Chinese Medicine Treatment for Long-term COVID Joint Pain ………………………………王德凤 等 Defeng Wang etc.(14)

中药同病异治对长期新冠肺的体会和治疗Experience and Treatment of Long Covid -19 in Chinese Medicine for the Same Disease with Different Methods…… 李文卿 Wenqing Li (19)

运用侯氏黑散加减治疗杂病验案4则Four Cases of Miscellaneous Diseases Treated with Modified Houshihei san ………………………… 梁湘钰 朱叶Xiangyu Liang, Ye Zhu (27)

从经筋针灸治疗骨性关节病Using Acupuncture to Treat Osteoarthrosis fromaTendomuscular Meridian (Jing Jin) Perspective ……… 何树槐等Shuhuai He etc. (34)

肝风的实质及致病特点的探讨Discussion on The Essence and Pathogenic Characteristics of Liver Wind……………………………………………………… 韩军 于瀚Jun Han, Han Yu(36)

美国最早期的中医师The Earliest Chinese Medicine Doctors in the United States
……………………………………………………………………………… 樊蓥Arthur Yin Fan(41)
拔罐疗法的崛起与发展(1950—1959年)The Rise and Development of Cupping Therapy (1950-1959) ……………………………………………叶明柱 胡追成 Ye Mingzhu, Hu Zhuicheng(45)
针灸治疗神经性疼痛机理的研究进展Treating Neuropathic Pain with Acupuncture: Research Advances ………………………………………………………………… 巩昌镇Changzhen Gong(52)
犀角地黄汤的现代临床应用The Modern Clinical Applications Of Rhizoma Dihuang Tang …………………………………………………………… 尹婧涵 萨仁Jinghan Yin,Ren Sa(58)
真武汤条文解析及临证运用Investigation and Application of Two Items Concerning Zhen Wu Decoction……………………………………………………………………… 徐丽林等Lilin Xu etc(63)

杏林春暖 薪火相承 –读马寿椿、马蕾重编施注《伤寒杂病论》涪陵古本Passing on the Torch–Reading Shouchun Ma and Marlena Lei Ma Re-edited Shi JiMing Annotated ” Discussion of Cold Damage and Miscellaneous Diseases ” Fulingguben Version……………………………………………………………… 巩昌镇Changzhen Gong(70)

2011-2021年中医治疗头痛研究趋势的文献计量学分析A bibliometric analysis of research trends in Traditional Chinese medicine for headache from 2011 to 2021……… 李赞华 等Zanhua Li etc. (75)

太极研究Introduction of Tai Chi Research and Taichiology-Tai Chi is Medicine
…………………………………………………………………… Fumin Xue, Neil Haotian Xue (86)

征稿 …………………………………………………………………………………………… (111)

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