Dr. Xiping Zhouis the president of the American Academy of Health and Wellness in
Roseville, MN (an acupuncture school offering master\’s and doctorate degree
programs). He is also the founder and president of East-West Healing Arts
Institute in both Madison and Milwaukee and has been a national speaker for
over 30 years on the topics of acupuncture and traditional Chinese Medicine on
his expertise in unique acupuncture treatment methods. His topics include
advanced hands-on acupuncture techniques for migraine and menstruation
headaches, one-needle technique for acute and chronic lower back pain, and
his own unique approach to TuiNa techniques for neuro-orthopedic pain
conditions. In the last couple of years, Dr. Xiping Zhou did national lectures for the
American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (ACTMA), the American
Association of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture (AACMA), and the Young
Acupuncturist Association of America (YAAA). On July 2023, he did an
onsite, one-day hands-on workshop for the New York College of Traditional
Chinese Medicine. Due to his Western medicine knowledge and experience of
acupuncture and TCM, all of his lectures have been warmly received with
positive feedback.
Dr. Xiping Zhou has been practicing acupuncture and Chinese medicine for over 40
years. In July 1993, while serving as chief physician and assistant professor at
Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Dr. Xiping Zhouwas asked
to visit the United States to speak at the National Conference of Acupuncture
about his success in treating paralysis in stroke patients with acupuncture. From
1994-2000, he taught and practiced acupuncture and Chinese medicine at the
Midwest College for the Study of Oriental Medicine in Madison and Racine,
Dr. Xiping Zhou established his private practice in Madison and Milwaukee in 1996.
In 1999, he joined the staff of Columbia St. Mary’s Hospital in Milwaukee,
becoming one of the very first acupuncturists on staff at any Wisconsin
In about four decades of practicing acupuncture and traditional Chinese
healing arts, Dr. Xiping Zhouhas helped many people worldwide with a wide variety
of physical and emotional illnesses and problems through his comprehensive
healing program incorporating acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, and
medical Chinese massage as well as cupping therapy. He has developed
expertise in treating acute and chronic pain, sports, and orthopedic injury,
women’s health (including infertility and menopause), and post-stroke
rehabilitation. His accomplishments have been recognized in many local and
national media including TV, radio, magazines, and newspapers. He was
featured in Isthmus in 1999, Wisconsin State Journal in 2004, and was voted
the best doctor by Isthmus readers in 2012.
Dr. Zhou’s 6 Unique TuiNa Rolling Techniques for Pain Conditions
In this workshop, Dr. Xiping Zhou will share over 35 years of his expertise of acupuncture and TuiNa practice and teaching, with a specialty in advanced TCM orthopedic neurology to treat various chronic and acute pain conditions.
Dr. Zhou will lecture and demonstrate his own unique 6 modern TuiNa rolling techniques and teaching/practice experience.
The workshop will cover his unique 6 rolling techniques
1. Side-of palm rolling technique for shoulder pain
2. Two-handed rolling technique for back pain
3. Forearm rolling technique for lower back, hip, and upper leg pain
4. Cross-palm rolling technique for hip pain
5. Fist rolling technique for hand pain and feet pain
6. Rub-rolling technique for abdominal pain and PMS pain