1. The Chinese Medicine Alumni Association of the United States is a Chinese medicine practitioners association based on Chinese graduates of Chinese hospitals, including some American graduates, and doctors based in the United States. It is a Chinese medicine practitioners alliance based on Chinese medicine hospitals in China This kind of Chinese medicine association, guild organization and all walks of life represent and serve all practitioners of Chinese medicine and acupuncture.
2. Centered on academic exchanges, it aims to improve the overall academic level of the Chinese medicine and acupuncture industry.
3. Educate the people, popularize the knowledge of Chinese medicine and acupuncture science, and increase the acceptance of Chinese medicine and acupuncture.
4. Strengthen exchanges with mainstream medicine and various alternative medicine disciplines, and increase the right of Chinese medicine and acupuncture to speak in the US medical service industry.
5. Participate in and influence the legislation of Chinese medicine and acupuncture, and protect the rights and interests of Chinese medicine and acupuncture.
6. Participate in and influence the development direction of acupuncture education of Chinese medicine in the United States and improve the overall level of Chinese medicine teaching.
7. Lead and participate in the scientific research of traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture, and work hard to improve the scientific status of traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture.
8. Connect feelings, promote friendships, build networks, and introduce patients to each other.
9. Vigorously develop the overseas Chinese medicine market, maintain the traditional Chinese medicine tradition, and influence the orientation of domestic Chinese medicine.