黄金昶教授,主任医师,博士生导师与博士后合作导师,第三临床医学院针灸肿瘤科主任;北京中医药大学学术委员会委员、针灸肿瘤研究所负责人。兼任中华中医药学会肿瘤创新联盟主席,《中国针灸》等杂志编委,建立了较为完善的中医肿瘤辨证论治体系、中医肿瘤外治体系。其主导的艾灸升白、艾灸治疗腹水、针刺治疗乳腺癌术后上肢水肿等医学技术被广泛推广应用。拥有《黄金昶中医肿瘤辨治十讲》《黄金昶肿瘤专科 20 年心得》等多部著作
Huang Jinchang, Chief Physician, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor and Postdoctoral Supervisor, Director of the Department of Acupuncture and Oncology, Third Clinical Medical College; Member of the Academic Committee of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Director of the Institute of Acupuncture and Oncology. He is also the president of the Cancer Innovation Alliance of the Chinese Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the vice-president of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Committee on External Therapy and Transdermal Drug Delivery committee, and a director of the Beijing Medical Doctor Association. Editorial board member of \"Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion\", \"Chinese Journal of Clinicians\" and other journals.
TCM treatment strategies for the complications of tumor radiotherapy and chemotherapy
This presentation focuses on the treatment upper limb swelling, dry mouth and perineal pain due to radiotherapy, bone marrow suppression by radiotherapy and chemotherapy, hand-foot syndrome in chemotherapy, cancer-related fatigue, and bowel control after low rectal cancer surgery.